
Porchtime This is us. We want our eating disorders back, and we have started smoking again. We never leave this porch. Not in our hearts, anyway, not even for work where the 1% taught us to start emails with “Hi” because it seems friendly and end them with “Thanks,” which means “fuck you.” It’s their … More Porchtime

Jesus Years

All I ever wanted for the longest time was to own a home, have a good job, a happy relationship, and maybe someday a family. Before my 30th birthday, I mostly got what I wanted. Now all I want is to be in transit, untethered, on the way to far away. I want to buy … More Jesus Years

Yoga is for…

EVERYBODY. Every BODY. EVERY body. Everybody. Seriously. The belief that yoga is for absolutely everyone is fundamental to how I practice and teach yoga. When many people think about yoga practitioners, they think about thin women who are as naturally flexible as the spandex in their yoga pants. Many yogis have been fighting this misconception … More Yoga is for…