Welcome to my blog!

Before I get into any meaty stuff, I wanted to give you a little introduction to why this thing exists in the first place and what you can expect.

This blog exists as an excuse for the following activities (no particular order):

  • Writing–I have my master’s in English and love to play with words. I believe that writing is a tool for thinking, and I learn a lot when I write.
  • Reading—I want to consistently spend time with yoga texts, both modern and ancient, so that my philosophy can grow with my practice.
  • Experimenting—I want to try new poses, sequences, breathing, ideas, meditations, yoga pants, everything.
  • Documenting—I want to keep an eye on my practice as it changes and grows. I intend to start my training for my RYT 500 certification in 2016!
  • Sharing—I don’t want to do that stuff alone. I have an awesome community of yogis (and non-yogis!), and I want that community to grow. I want us to be able to talk about stuff and learn from each other.

What you can expect, probably:

  • Musings on yoga theory, practice, alignment, anatomy, sequencing, pose variations, breathing, meditation, food, and being a person.
  • Reviews of books, videos, classes, mats, yoga pants, etc.
  • Effusions about new stuff I’m learning.
  • Yoga selfies from triumphant to total wipeout.
  • Charming anecdotes.
  • And most of all, a whole lot of love for the practice of yoga.

I hope you’ll keep up with me and my yogic adventures! Leave comments, ask questions, start a discussion (good vibes only, please). If you want to know a little more about me, check out the “about” section, and don’t be a stranger!

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